

  • Ultra-lightweight structural materials.
  • Supercapacitor and battery electrodes.
  • Hydrogen storage.
  • Water treatment membranes.

Why & Solution

Aerogel is a gel comprised of a microporous solid in which the dispersed phase is a gas. Microporous silica, microporous glass and zeolites are common examples of aerogels.

“Graphene aerogel is something of a wonder material,” says Debbie Senesky, assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics at Stanford and director of a team of engineers and scientists who are researching this particular type of aerogel. Over the next year or so, Senesky and her colleagues will prepare a set of experiments that will take graphene aerogel somewhere it has never gone before – to the International Space Station.

Graphene aerogels, a class of materials made of 2D graphene sheets covalently crosslinked into a three-dimensional (3D) structure, largely retain many of the extraordinary properties of their graphene building blocks but are limited in size only by the container used during synthesis.